Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Youth Volleyball Tournament Nov. 8th

Hey All,
Sorry for the delay, but some of you may have read in the bulletin that the annual Youth Volleyball Tournament is right around the corner. First the stuff you need to know:
Date: Nov 8th
Time: 2:00pm
Place: Lutheran Church in Farmington, MO

This is a fun event, and everyone 7th grade and up are invited to participate. You don't have to be a pro at volleyball either. Remember, it is for fun!
Our youth group won the tournament two years ago, and didn't do as well last year. We were fortunate enough to have two teams though, which is awesome considering the size of our youth group. So invite a friend, don't be shy, and join the fun.
We will leave the church shortly after the second service on the 8th. There has always been food at the gym when we arrive, but they usually start playing quickly after registration and it could be a few hours after lunch time before you get a chance to eat. In other words, it would'nt hurt to bring a snack.
After the tournament, we have always stopped at A & W for dinner and "straight from the fountain" Rootbeer. That alone is worth the trip.
Parents: We will need a couple of drivers, so please send me an email, call, or yes even text if you can drive a few people down. (, 314-560-9725 cell)

Let's make this a great tournament, and bring home First place again.

God Bless and Peace to everyone


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rock Climbing Pics!

The rock climbing trip was a hit! We had 9 members of our R.O.C.K. Youth group attend. It sounds like everyone had such a good time that they want to go back, so don't miss out next time. We're gonna tackle the BIG walls.
Here's the Pics...

Well, there you go. Hope more of you can make it next time. For now it sounds like we're going to try and get back down to Elephant Rock for another hike before it gets cold. With all the rain we had this year, it should be beautiful if we time it just right. God Bless all of you, and if you have any "must do" activities, just let me know and we'll see if we can make it happen.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lets Go R.O.C.K. Climbing

The ROCK Youth group at Immanual is about Reaching Out to Christ's Kingdom... Well, now its time to reach UP! to get to the top of the rock wall. On Sunday Sept 13, we have the Upper Limits Rock Climbing Gym in St. Louis reserved from 12:30pm to 2:30pm. All youth, members and non-members, ages 13-18 are invited to join in a fun challenging day.
The Upper Limits Climbing Gym is an indoor rock climbing facility with 25' rope assisted climbing walls and 8' free climbing walls designed for beginners and advanced climbers of all ages. Come and test your fear of heights on the big wall, or just "hang around" on the smaller less intimidating walls. It's going to be a lot of fun, so invite a friend.

We will leave the church on Sunday Sept 13th around 11:30. Any one who plans to attend must fill out a waiver release form, and if you are under the age of 18, you will need a signature from a parent or guardian. Waiver/release forms can be picked up in the Church office or in the Narthex at the church. (Without this form signed, you will not be able to climb!)

The cost for each person will only be $5.00, and must be turned in to the church office or to Doug Pierce with a signed waiver prior to leaving on that Sunday. Parents, we will need 4 or 5 chaperones (sp?) for the day to help with the climbers.

Please spread the word, and check out the website at
You may also contact me for more information at 314-560-9725, or

Hope to see you all there!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Calling All Soccer Players!

All about Kids Soccer (AAKS) is now accepting registrations for the summer soccer league. All About Kids Soccer has divisions for ages Pre-K (age 4) through High School, and will be holding a registration and ratings day on Saturday, June 20th 9:00am to 12:00pm at West City Park Soccer fields in Festus, MO.
For more information please contact Rebecca Greenwalt at 636-208-2196, or Carol Lane at 314-602-2973. (No calls after 8:00pm please). You may also visit the website at

All About Kids Soccer is Co-sponsored by the Festus Parks and Recreation Youth Athletic League.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

R.O.C.K. Youth Night May 29th 6:00-9:00pm

All Immanual & local youth ages 13-18 are invited to the first ROCK Party at the Family Life Center. It will be Friday, May 29th from 6:00pm to 9:00pm.
All Immanual youth are encouraged to attend and bring a friend. We need your help to spread the word about the R.O.C.K., so lets start off with a bang!
If you have questions, feel free to contact us via email at or call Doug Pierce at 314-560-9725
Hope to see you all there!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Welcome to ROCK Youth Center

The R.O.C.K. Youth Center, formerly The Mustard Seed, is the home to the Youth group of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Festus, MO. as well as the Jr. & Sr. High youth in the Festus-Crystal City area.

We are currently making plans to re-open to the public on a bi-weekly basis, and will offer a place for teens to spend a few hours with friends listening to music, playing games and activities, and learning the good news about Jesus Christ.

The youth group at Immanuel is growing, and this Blogsite will be a way for the church, the youth members, and guests to keep up to date with the new and exciting things happening with Immanuel's Youth.

The site will host pictures, announcements, and information regarding upcoming events.

Here are a few of the more recent events....

The Confirmands for 2009 are Kelsie, Alex, 
Justin, and Braiden.  These four youth members
survived a grueling session of questioning by 
Pastor Rux on Wednesday night, and no matter
how hard he tried, he couldn't stump them. This
Sunday they will officially be confirmed and will
join the church at communion where they will
receive the true body and blood of our Lord & 
Savior, Jesus Christ.  Congratulations to all of 

On Thursday April 30th, Immanuel's Family Life Center truly became the ROCK center as we welcomed back for the second year, Remedy Drive.  They are a Christian rock band from Nebraska who spread the Lords word of Hope and Salvation through rock music.  If I had to use one word to describe this band it would be ENERGY. These guys were leaping off the stage and doing keyboard acrobatics, and never missed a beat. Our crowd was small, but everyone had a good time. It won't be long before these guys will have to pass on small concerts like ours, so we feel privileged to have them play for us.  Here are a few shots from the concert.

Dave - Lead singer for Remedy Drive

Phil -Bass Guitar, Dan -Drums, Dave -Vocals

Paul, The "Headband" guy on lead guitar

Ryan Cheney - Local Sr at Festus
High School did an amazing job
opening for Remedy Drive, especially
with "Attack of the Squirrels"

Check back regularly for more good stuff coming from the R.O.C.K.  Feel free to send emails
or comments on any of the posts.  We need your feedback and ideas.
Until next time....God Bless!